What is Public Waldorf Education?

 Waldorf education is an arts-infused holistic approach that sees each student as a unique individual. We seek to nurture our students in developmentally appropriate ways that allow them to grow in curiosity, compassion, and courage. This 100 year old educational model continues to grow in popularity worldwide for its innovative process of meeting students where they are now in order to prepare them for the rest of their lives. Central Sands Community High School has built its curriculum on the core principles for Public Waldorf Education. These guiding principles can be found on our website or from the Alliance for Public Waldorf Education:

Waldorf Grade-by-Grade

  • 9th Grade

    In 9th Grade, students examine the question “What?” The 14-year-old tends to view the world in terms of polarities, and the Waldorf curriculum is designed to help them observe the world from a more objective stance. 

  • 10th Grade

    In 10th Grade, students examine the question “How?” They are trying to understand how they fit into their world, and how the world works. The Waldorf curriculum meets this question with lessons designed to help students comprehend their world from various perspectives, moving beyond the black-and-white thinking of 9th grade. 

  • 11th Grade

    In 11th Grade, students examine the question, “Why?” At this stage, students are taking on deep existential questions of identity and purpose. The Waldorf curriculum in 11th grade helps students deepen their inner journey to find greater purpose and meaning in their lives and connects them with their responsibility to the outer world. 

  • 12th Grade

    The Waldorf curriculum in 12th grade is designed to assist in this discernment process, and to help students understand the big picture of who they are in the world and how they can make it a better place.